

*About me 自己紹介
Name: Mitsuo Okada, 岡田満雄

#ref(alice.jpg, 1024x1024)

*Educational background 学歴
-Oct2005-Current: Ph.D. Candidate in Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.~
京都大学 大学院 情報学研究科 博士課程 
-Oct2003-Sep2005:Master of Science in Engineering, Graduate School of
Engineering, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan.
-Sep2002-Dec2002: Post baccalaureate in Computer Science, Portland State
University, OR, USA.
-Jan2000-Aug2002: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Multimedia Study
from Eastern Oregon University, OR, USA.

*Research Topics and Interests 専門分野と興味のある分野
Digital content security, marketing, bussiness model, investment. ~

*Publications 研究実績
**Journal 論文誌
-[[''Elsevier Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences''>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18770428]],~
Title:[[Privacy-Secure Image Sharing System for a Purchaser and Recorded Subjects Using Semi-Blind Fingerprinting>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B9853-4YHC596-X-1&_cdi=59087&_user=119230&_pii=S1877042810000285&_orig=browse&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2010&_sk=999979998&view=c&wchp=dGLbVlb-zSkzk&md5=ee5d94f38fb3cfa8fceecfefdbd66c1f&ie=/sdarticle.pdf]], Mar 2010,~
Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.~
-''IEICE Trans., Vol.E91-D, No.5'',~
Multi-bit Embedding for Asymmetric Digital Watermarking without Exposing Secret,”Aug 2008,
Mitsuo Okada, Hiroaki Kikuchi, Yasuo Okabe.

**International Conference 国際会議
-[[''F2GC-09''>http://www.ftrg.org/f2gc2009]], Jeju, Korea, Dec 2009,~
(The 2009 International Workshop on Forensics for Future Generation Communication environments),~
published by IEEE Press (IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing group),~
"Semi-Blind Fingerprinting Utilizing Ordinary Existing Watermarking Techniques,"~
Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
-[[''SPC2009''>http://www.el.gunma-u.ac.jp/ITMPM/SPC2009]], Kiryu, Japan, Oct 2009,(Invited Paper)~
(International Conference on Security Camera Network, Privacy Protection and Community Safety),~
"Privacy-Secure Image Sharing System for a Purchaser and Recorded Subjects Using Semi-Blind Fingerprinting", ~
Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
-[[''IWDW09''>http://www.iwdw.org.uk]], Guilford, UK, Springer LNCS 5703, Aug 2009,~
(The 8th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking), ~
[["Semi-Blind Fingerprinting Utilizing Ordinary Existing Watermarking Techniques,">http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-03687-3]]~
Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
-[[''MidArc2009 (held as a part of SAINT2009)''>http://www.saintconference.org/2009]], Seattle, USA, Jul 2009,~
(The Third Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet),~
"Security Analysis on Privacy-Secure Image Trading Framework Using Blind Watermarking",~
Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
-''International Workshop on Sensing Web'' (in conjunction with [[ICPR2008>http://www.icpr2008.org]] (the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition)), Tampa, USA, Dec 2008,~
"A Privacy Enhanced Image Sharing System on the Sensing Web Based on a Fingerprinting Technique",~
Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara
-[[''WISA2005''>http://dasan.sejong.ac.kr/~wisa05]], Jeju, Korea, Aug 2005,~
(Workshop on Information Security Applications), ~
Springer LNCS, Vol.3786, pp.165-178, 2005.
[["Secure Asymmetric Watermark Detection Without Secret of Modified Pixels">http://www.springerlink.com/index/56p3064397m35894.pdf]],~
Mitsuo Okada, Hiroaki Kikuchi.
**Conference 学会発表
-[[''CSS2008''>http://www.iwsec.org/css/2008]], Oct 2008,~
岡田 満雄,岡部 寿男,上原 哲太郎.
-''ITRC22'', Dec 2007,~
"Information Sharing Web Service",~
-''30thCSEC'' (情報処理学会研究報告 No.2005-CSEC-030-(59)), Aug 2005,~
岡田満雄, 菊池浩明.
-[[''DICOMO2005''>http://www.dicomo.org/2005/program.html]], Jul, 2005~
(Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile System),8A5,~
"Secure Detection of Asymmetric Digital Watermark",~
岡田満雄, 菊池浩明.

**Demonstration デモンストレーション
-''京都大学ICT Innovation 2010''~
岡田満雄, 岡部寿男, 上原哲太郎.~
  1. &ref(BrocherMitsuoOkadaJA.pdf)
    -[[''IEEE-CCNC2010''>http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/]] (Consumer Communications & Networking Conference), Las Vegas, NV, Jan 2010'',~
    "A Web-based Privacy-Secure Content Trading System for Small Content Providers Using Semi-Blind Digital Watermarking,"~
    Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara.
  2. &ref(BrocherMitsuoOkadaEn.pdf)
    -''京都大学ICT Innovation 2009''~
    岡田満雄, 岡部寿男, 上原哲太郎.~
    *Award アワード
    -''Best Demonstration Award'', IEEE-CCNC2010
    [[IEEE Communications Magazine>http://cms.comsoc.org/SiteGen/Uploads/Public/Docs_CCNC_2011/CCNC_2010_Conference_Review.pdf]]~
    *Grant 助成金等
    -[[''Microsoft Reserch CORE 6''>http://www.microsoft.com/japan/mscorp/ijarc/core/ifp_06_j.mspx]] , 2010~
    (第 6 回 マイクロソフト産学連携研究機構 研究プロジェクト)~
    Mitsuo Okada, ~
    "Low-cost Secure Image Trading System Based on Semi-Blind Fingerprinting Using Synthetic Transparent Images"~
    -[[''2009 GCOE Young Leader Fostering Program''>http://www.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/gcoe/]]~
    Kyoto University Global COE Program: Informatics Education and Research
    Center for Knowledge-Circulating Society~
    平成21年度 若手リーダーシップ養成プログラム研究費~
    *Output 成果物
    -[[Integrating Two Transparent images>http://www.net.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/watermark/INTG]]
    *Patent 特許
    *Worldwide partner ワールドワイドパートナー